I recently picked up running again. I couldn’t imagine running without my Garmin GPS watch. It tracks all my runs, allowing me to set goals so I can improve my time and distance. The same goes for recruiting. I couldn’t imagine not measuring and tracking career site performance.


Many years ago, companies didn’t leverage career site data and analytics and relied more on outbound efforts to increase applicant flow. Today, businesses rely on career site analytics to increase applicant flow while also improving the candidate experience.


Here are four key areas that every organization should consider when measuring career site performance:


(I use Phenom People CRM analytics combined with Google Analytics)


  1. Traffic sources: Discover which channels are driving the most traffic to your career site, such as organic search, social media, or job boards. This insight can help you optimize your marketing efforts and focus on channels that yield the best results.
  2. Pageviews and bounce rate: Monitor the number of page views and the bounce rate to assess how engaging your career site is. A high bounce rate may indicate that visitors are not finding the information they need or that the user experience needs improvement.
  3. Conversion rate: Measure the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action, such as submitting an application. Analyzing the conversion rate can highlight areas where the application process may be causing friction or where improvements can be made to increase conversions.
  4. User behavior: Utilize features of site search and job search tracking to gain insights into how visitors navigate through your career site. Identify job pages with high drop-off rates or commonly searched terms to optimize content and make it more accessible.


By tracking key metrics and understanding user behavior, you can gain valuable insights that help optimize your site, improve the candidate experience, and ultimately attract top talent. Remember to regularly analyze and interpret the career site data (i.e., Google Analytics) to make informed decisions that align with your recruitment goals. With a data-centric approach, you can unlock the full potential of your career site and go the extra mile in a shorter amount of time.