This job market has been like a warm O’Douls and it turns out there’s this pretty big deal in the job world – candidate experience. But guess what? The recent buzz from suggests that many companies are kinda slipping up on this front. They talk a big game about improving the candidate experience, but when it comes to actually following up with candidates, especially a month or two after they apply, it’s like crickets.  WTF?!? And seriously, you know what’s not helping?  Recruiters got the short end of the stick here with so many laid off now we’re dealing with the fallout of candidates getting ghosted left and right. Bummer, right? Well, here’s a cool idea: let’s talk about Talent Communities.



Okay, so before you roll your eyes and say “I don’t have time for that,” let me address the elephant in the room. Recruiters often whine about how they don’t have hours to spare digging through a pile of profiles to find the diamonds in the rough. And oh boy, do I remember this one Talent Acquisition (TA) bigwig telling me, “Nah, Talent Communities are just a waste of time.” I get it, really, I do. But here’s the thing – they’re missing out on some seriously awesome perks that come with these communities.


Picture this homies: Talent communities that are like those matchmaking websites. They smartly match up candidate profiles with the right job openings and shoot those golden leads straight to the recruiters. No more manual sorting! You still get a steady stream of hot prospects, minus the bellyaching that you’ll hear about unqualified applicants!


Now I’m not going to lie, I’m a nerd when it comes to CRM. I’ve geeked out for hours setting up Phenom People CRM, playing around with their cool Dynamic Lists feature. This genius tool shoots out scheduled email updates to leads, nudging them to stay interested while they ponder new job possibilities. It’s like keeping a flame alive without the stress.

And here’s the kicker – talent communities help you dodge sticky situations with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) worries. Storing candidate data for too long in your Applicant Tracking System (ATS) can be a legal mess, but these communities make purging old records a breeze.


Hold up, I’ve got more. Candidates are totally digging talent communities. Signing up is a breeze – just a few deets, their interests, and a resume. Badda bing badda boom! It’s like a no-pressure, exciting thing. Plus, you can leverage automated emails that send out Employer Branded content, and let me tell you, that’s like catnip for improving the whole candidate experience.


Now, here’s a budget-friendly hack: instead of throwing buckets of cash at pricey job board ads, you can snag a targeted crowd for your talent community with wallet-friendly digital ads. My go-tos? Google Ads and Facebook Leads – they’re way cheaper than the big guns like Indeed.

But hey, full disclosure – building a talent community takes some upfront work and learning. It’s an investment. But guess what? The payoff is sweet – happy candidates, playing by the data retention rules, spending less on sourcing, and oh yeah, making a better candidate experience happen.


For all those recruiters who’ve had it up to here with sifting through stacks of applications, a snazzy talent community set up just right is like a godsend. The candidate experience gets a turbo boost, and that’s a win-win all around.


The big takeaway is that talent communities are like the cool secret way of improving the candidate experience.  As the job world keeps spinning, this approach is like a superhero cape – super efficient, doesn’t break the bank, and totally amps up engagement levels. It’s a win-win.


If you’d like to learn more about Phenom’s talent communities, please sign up for my newsletter and check out some of my videos on Talent Communities.